Make a Sunflower Swag for Your Door

Make a Sunflower Swag for Your Door

Use a block of styrofoam roughly the dimensions as the one above.

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I began pushing wire through the piece of styrofoam to make my hook to hang my swag from.  If you don’t put something beneath the wire, it will pull all the way through and cut the styrofoam.  I chose to use a piece of tape wrapped floral wire and made it into an “M” shape to keep it from cutting through the foam.

Here is another photo to show you how I pulled the wire through and down over the wrapped wire. On the backside of the styrofoam I used the same technique and twisted the two ends of the wire into a circle to be able to hang my swag on a hook. With my base hung on the door from a Command hook, I am ready to begin making my swag. To make an oversized swag like this one, ivy is a good choice for the greenery, as it can drape very long.  I cut apart a full faux ivy bush into individual pieces. Using my Steel Pix machine to add steel picks onto the end of the pieces.  Decide how long you want your swag to be and use the lengths of ivy to create the size swag you want.  Secure the ivy into the foam block.  If you don’t have a Steel Pix machine, you can use wood wired sticks.  Continue to build up your swag with additional ivy.  Build up the swag with ivy toward the top.  When you are ready to add your sunflowers, if they are like mine, I needed to use a knife to narrow down the stems so they can be stuck into the styrofoam.  Stick the sunflowers into the styrofoam like shown above.  You want to fill the swag from top to bottom. 

In addition to the ivy, use all of the foliage from the sunflowers, tucking it around the sunflower blossoms.  The sunflowers look great, but I wanted to add some white for contrast.  The daisies I selected to use had stiff stems that could be stuck directly into the styrofoam.  Fill in the daisies around the sunflowers and around the edges of the swag.  Make sure that you fill in the sides of the swag so that no styrofoam is showing.  …and you have a lovely sunflower swag to dress up your door!

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  1. Wow super cool! I’ve never seen anything like it. You are so creative with flowers and the photos were really detailed enought that I feel like I could make this.

  2. Hi Chloe,

    Another beautiful piece for your door. I know I say it every time so it’s getting okd but you give great tutorials.

    Amazes me you always figure out tge tricks.


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