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Create a Stunning Centerpiece with Vegetables!

I spotted this lovely tablecloth from April Cornell and the colors just spoke to me! It wasn’t like I really needed another tablecloth, but I am sure you know how that goes! As I was thinking about the centerpiece I wanted to make to use when I hosted a dinner with this tablecloth, for some reason vegetables in green and purple kept coming to mind!

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I hit up Whole Foods and stocked up on all of the purple and green veggies I thought I would like to use in my arrangement. I felt like finding the purple cauliflower was the icing on the cake!

I wasn’t adding flowers to this, but I needed something heavy to be able to support my vegetables and secure my skewers. I filled my bowl with wet floral foam. I have had this decorative aluminum bowl for a few years now, it is a great piece for a narrow centerpiece.

I needed the wet floral foam to not move around so I secured it in several places with waterproof floral tape.

I began with my red cabbage, cutting the bottom off of it so that it would sit flat on the floral foam.

Sticking two skewers into the bottom of the cabbage, I stuck it into the center of the floral foam.

Next I added an eggplant to each end of the centerpiece, resting on the cabbage. I needed to secure the eggplant from the top, so I just stuck the skewer right through the eggplant and cut the wooden skewer off. I would later hide that with a brussel sprout.

With both of the eggplants attached the centerpiece will look like this:

Now it was time to add the artichokes! I added two artichokes to each side of the arrangement. One wood skewer in the base of each artichoke was all that was needed to secure them.

I cut the purple cauliflower into several smaller pieces, skewered each one and started filling in the empty spaces with the cauliflower pieces.

After all of the cauliflower had been added, all that was left was to add the brussel sprouts all around the centerpiece.

That is all it takes and you have a beautiful and unique centerpiece to display on your table!

Check out the rest of the details of this elegant tablescape HERE.


April Cornell tablecloth
Aluminum Decorative Bowl
Heavy Duty Wooden Skewers
Waterproof floral tape
Another tablecloth that would showcase this centerpiece beautifully!

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  1. Love the color combination. This turned out so cool looking. I never would have thought of doing that. You’re so creative.

  2. It’s wonderful that you share your creativity. The colors you chose are so vibrant and are just so perfect paired with the tablecloth. This is one of your many ideas that I will be copying.

    Thank you!

  3. Chloe, that tablecloth is stunning. I love how you used an inexpensive one below to smooth out the slats..great thinking. I’m glad you showed the steps of making the centerpiece, as I wouldn’t have known how to accomplish that. The colors, textures are perfect! Wow!I hope you took lots of photos for your debut in a major magazine! This may be a good session at our Fall workshop…?!?

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